Senior Shar-Pei Tryke (Formerly known as Ike) was found wandering the streets of one of NJ's toughest inner cities. He is maybe 8 - 10 years old, has been severely neglected and is extremely thin. He may be partially blind BUT he loved all the handling during his evaluation and wanted more! Although he did react to other dogs during the evaluation, we can’t be sure it was the loud barking at the shelter, the unfamiliar smells and/or overall fear and uncertainty of this environment. He had no blanket or bed to comfort him and sat on the cold hard concrete floor. Laurie, who gave him his freedom ride, said he is a sweet boy. Laurie helped MACSPRO bring him to safety in Newton, NJ where he is getting a thorough exam, fluids, good food and necessary vaccines.
Update (09/29/2016): The surgery was successful and his foster mom has been taking great care of him & getting him to physical therapy. He would do better in a home without stairs. Please think about giving this sweet old boy a loving home in his twilight years.
Update (1/17/2017): Tryke made it to Florida and will spend his remaining senior years in the warm weather with other senior pei to play with.
Update (1/28/2017): Tryke is doing great!!! He's a total sweetie who follows people around until he's totally exhausted and then naps for a while. We have him on several natural anti-inflammatories because he's getting so much more exercise here than he did previously. He still doesn't walk well but he no longer limps :)